This badge was issued to Wes Morgan on 12 Jul 2021.
- Type Learning
- Level Intermediate
- Time Days
- Cost Free
IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Technical Deep Dive
Issued by
This badge earner has gained a technical understanding on IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Services Offerings. Through tutorials and code patterns, they have experienced the key capabilities of how to onboard and implement each offering, and learned where the resources are located to aid in pre-sales, onboarding, implementation and support of Hyper Protect Service offerings. They are able to articulate the benefits and client value that IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Services Offerings deliver.
- Type Learning
- Level Intermediate
- Time Days
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Must be an IBM Business Partner employee or an IBM employee.
Successfully complete the courses and any in-module tests as required.
Note: This badge is retired and no longer available.