This badge was issued to William Mulkeen on 22 Jan 2006.
- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Cost Paid
NIMS: ICS for the Fire Service
Issued by
Bucks County Community College
The earner of this badge has completed training in the Incident Command System (ICS) organization and related forms. The earner is able to: describe various functions and applications of the Incident Command System (ICS); identify the roles and responsibilities of the Incident Command System (ICS) Command Staff, General Staff and the Intelligence/Investigation positions; and develop an organizational structure during an emergency incident.
- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Have IS-100: Introduction to the Incident Command System.
Have IS-200: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents.
Meet all of the objectives of the training course set forth by the National Fire Academy.