This badge was issued to Matt Midgett on 18 Oct 2023.
Microsoft Excel 2019 Advanced
Issued by
Pearson MyLab
A person with this badge can create, navigate, format, and manage large worksheets and workbooks. They can organize, import, export, and cleanse data sets. This person can create tables and charts. They can link and analyze data with PivotTables and present this data visually through PivotCharts. They can save time by automating tasks with macros.
Additional DetailsSkills
- CONCAT Function
- Data Analysis
- Data Extraction
- Data Management
- Data Manipulation
- Data Summarizing
- Data Tables
- Excel
- Excel 2019
- Excel Charts
- Excel Worksheets
- Formulas And Functions
- Get & Transform
- Manage Large Sets Of Data
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Office
- PivotChart
- PivotTable
- Present Data Visually
- Professional Charts
- Professional Tables
- Slicer
- Spreadsheet
- Spreadsheets
- Tables
Earning Criteria
Learner has demonstrated proficiency of Advanced Excel learning objectives by achieving a 90% or higher score on a MyLab IT Grader "Live-in-the-Application" Excel Project.