This badge was issued to Csaba Miko on 07 Oct 2021.
- Type Learning
- Level Intermediate
- Time Weeks
- Cost Paid
Data Science Developer (L2)
Issued by
Earner is able to build Data Science products that can be deployed and operationalized in P&G’s environment. Being a P&G Data Scientists requires strong development skills with hands-on experience in using DevOps tools like VS Code & SonarQube, DevOps best practices like CI/CD, unit testing & linting, deployment technologies like Azure ML, Docker & GCP Kubeflow, Python concepts like classes, inheritance and composition.
- Type Learning
- Level Intermediate
- Time Weeks
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Passing grade (>70) on Mid-term exam
Completion of 6 hands-on problem-sets within GitHub including Peer Reviews