This badge was issued to Dusty Boshoff on 22 Jun 2016.
MEA Regional Technical Exchange Speaker (Level I)
Issued by
The badge earner has presented at an IBM Middle East & Africa Regional Technical Exchange (MEA RTE) event organized by a local affiliate of the IBM Academy of Technology in MEA, sharing their expertise and knowledge with the technical community. They are subject matter experts on new technologies and current trends for the technical population in MEA. (This badge is only available to IBM employees)
Additional DetailsEarning Criteria
The badge earner was selected through the MEA content committee into a small elite group of speakers to present at the RTE event organized by the MEA Technical Leadership Council - an affiliate of the IBM.
This badge is available for speaking at MEA RTE events from January 1, 2016 onward. Academy of Technology.
MEA RTE speaker
RTE South Africa 24 August 2016