This badge was issued to Rufaro Edward Mutepfa on 10 Mar 2021.
- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
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Through self-paced learning, this badge earner has displayed an understanding of topics such as what is Python programming language? data types, variable assignment, arithmetic operations, conditional statements, logical operators, strong methods, collections and iteration, functions, classes, and files.
- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Please note that this badge is only accessible to registered members of IBM Digital - Nation.
Completed Unit - Intro to Python: Intro to python; Print and comments; Data types; Variable assignment; Arithmetic operations.
Completed Unit - Logic: Inputs and type conversion; Conditional statements; Logical operators.
Completed Unit - Lists: String methods; Indexing and slicing; Lists; List methods; Concatenation and mutation; Shallow copy vs. deep copy.
Completed Unit - Collections and Iteration: Iteration while loop; Iteration for loop; Tuples and sets; Set theory and methods; Collection functions; Dictionaries.
Completed Unit - Functions: Functions; Parameters; Recursion.
Completed Unit - Classes: Classes and objects; Constructors and fields; Methods.
Completed Unit - Files: Files; Reading from a file; Writing to a file.
Successfully completed the quiz with a score of 80% or more.