This badge was issued to David Leaser on 11 Feb 2016.
Cite 2016 Speaker
Issued by
Pearson North America
Earners of the Cite 2016 Speaker badge presented at Pearson’s premier online learning conference Cite, featuring educational sessions on online program management, innovative models and pedagogical approaches, ways to improve student and learner engagement and retention, and best practices in professional development and corporate learning. Presenters represented K-12, two-year, four-year, and private sector colleges and universities, as well as leading corporate partners.
Additional DetailsSkills
- Academic Affairs
- Consulting
- Course Design
- Curriculum Design
- Instructional Design
- LMS Administrator
- Mentoring
- Mobile Learning
- Online Learning Administration
- Online Learning Teaching
- Online Program Management
- Professional Trainer
- Regulatory Compliance
- Social Learning
- Student Support Services
- Technology Specialist
Earning Criteria
Submit a relevant topic for the online learning community: Cite committee evaluates and selects top proposals to include in the conference program.