This badge was issued to Stacy Sanders on 07 Mar 2022.
Software Development Red Badge
Issued by
Eleven Fifty Academy
Earners of Software Development Red Badge take all the skills they have learned in the previous badges and work individually to create a full stack web application with .NET framework MVC and Razor Earners work to plan sprints, execute daily stand ups, manage Git, and intro to SOLID.
Additional DetailsEarning Criteria
Earners build a Web MVC using Microsoft’s ASP.NET Entity Framework Web MVC package. The project has at least three relational SQL tables that connect to a layered backend application with Business and Data layers. They also build a Web MVC layer complete with user authentication and MVC controllers.
Earners learn Razor and Web MVC largely on their own where they build out a client-facing web application using the most recent versions of Razor and Web MVC. This project is deployed using Azure.