This badge was issued to Pietro Leo on 20 Oct 2011.
- Time Months
- Cost Free
Leadership Team - IBM Academy of Technology
Issued by
The badge holder is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology (AoT) Leadership Team. This individual is a high contributor to IBM's technical strategy and a thought leader, This individual contributes a significant portion of their time to technology advances and to leadership activities for our AoT. Additionally, this individual is actively leading and participating in key strategic AoT and IBM initiatives. This badge is only available to members of the IBM AoT Leadership Team.
- Time Months
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
IBM Academy of Technology (AoT) Leader who contributes 10% of their time in this AoT global role in one or more ways:
Actively leads and participates in key strategic AoT initiatives.
Demonstrates AoT mission and goals by the successful outcomes of their actions and value to our stakeholders.
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