This badge was issued to Cristovao Wanderley on 21 Apr 2016.
IBM Marketing Cloud - Professional - 2016
Issued by
This badge earner has achieved the highest level of IBM Marketing Cloud competency for Automation Programs, Contact Scoring, Web Tracking, SMS, Mobile Applications, API, Transact XML/SMTP, and more. The badge earner has superior understanding of these topics and a proven ability to articulate terminology, concepts, principles, and needs for IBM Marketing Cloud at all skill levels within their organization. This badge earner has also achieved "trusted advisor" status at an industry level.
Additional DetailsSkills
Earning Criteria
Must be an official IBM Marketing Cloud client, IBM Business Partner employee or IBM employee.
Satisfactory completion of the assessment requirements associated with each of the following IBM Marketing Cloud course modules:
IMC150 - Automation - Programs
IMC152 - Automation - Contact Scoring
MC204 - Reporting - Web Tracking
IMC351 - Mobile - SMS
IMC352 - Mobile - Mobile App Messages
IMC400 - API
MC500 - Transact XML
IMC501 - Transact SMTP