This badge was issued to Jason O Boyers on 11 Mar 2020.
Expires on 23 Apr 2025Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Enterprise Wireless (CCIE Enterprise Wireless) - Emeritus
Issued by
Emeritus status signifies that a member maintains an active status as CCIE for 10 years in at least one CCIE track. Emeritus members no longer participate in "day to day" technical work but would like to stay involved in the program serving as ambassadors to current and future CCIE's.
Additional DetailsSkills
- Application Services
- Autonomous Deployment Model
- Diagnose Network Issues
- IPv4
- IPv4 And IPv6 Addressing
- Network Configuration
- Network Infrastructure
- Network Troubleshooting
- Planning And Designing WLANs
- Prime Infrastructure
- Unified Deployment Model - Centralized
- Unified Deployment Model - Converged
- Wireless
- WLAN Media