This badge was issued to Salim Hamid on 19 Nov 2018.
- Time Months
- Cost Free
IBM Mentor
Issued by
This badge holder is recognized by IBM for developing and cultivating a mentoring relationship with others. Mentoring is an important career development opportunity to enhance skills and achieve long-term career aspirations. The guidance given to the protégé has subsequently enabled the protégé to gain skills and expertise to support their career development, expertise in the job, and/or social skills. The value of the mentoring benefits and impact was validated by the protégé
- Time Months
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Must be an IBM employee
Mentored a protégé over a period of at least three months
Successfully performed mentoring activities from which the protégé gained benefits to support career development
Value received through mentoring was confirmed by the protégé
The Additional Details link on this page is accessible by IBM employees only
IBM Profession - Technical Specialist