This badge was issued to Aashik J Krishnan (Aash Gates) on 18 Jul 2022.
- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
Find Valuable Insights with IBM Watson
Issued by
Through self-paced learning, this badge earner has displayed an understanding of topics such as Watson Assistant, Watson Discovery, Watson Personality Insights, Watson Tone Analyzer and using Watson Personality Insights APIs to extract useful information from a pre-populated set of unstructured data.
- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Please note that this badge is only accessible to registered members of IBM Digital - Nation
Completed Unit - IBM Watson Discovery service: Discovery service overview
Completed Exercise 1 - Build queries by using Discovery
Completed Exercise 2 - Gain insights by using Watson Discovery
Completed Unit - IBM Watson Conversation: Watson Conversation overview
Completed Exercise 3 - Build a basic conversation
Completed Exercise 4 - Enhance a chatbot with Watson Discovery
Completed Unit - Watson Tone Analyzer service: Tone Analyzer service overview
Completed Exercise 5 - Analyze the tone from hotel reviews
Completed Unit - Personality Insights service: Watson Personality Insights
Completed Exercise 6 - Analyze customer preferences
Successfully completed the quiz with a score of 80% or more