This badge was issued to Emily Reinhold on 21 Nov 2019.
- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
Intelligent Process Automation
Issued by
Last issued 4 March 2021. Earners of this skill badge create efficiencies through data management and process automation. They have conducted thorough risk analyses, such as financial, short-term, long-term, security, and IT life cycles, to implement changes to process, policies and procedures internally at PwC and externally for clients. They have hands-on experience implementing and maintaining automation workflows, and are able to effectively communicate process automation concepts.
- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Application Automation
- Automation Controls
- Automation Technology
- Desktop Automation
- Process Automations
- Robotic Automation
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Earning Criteria
Learn: Completion of at least 80 hours of learning activities or equivalent
Apply: Demonstration of application on business projects resulting in 25+ hours of intelligent process automation experience
Apply: Build a bot to automate an identified process
Apply: Require direct supervision, review and guidance while taking individual responsibility for completing tasks and procedures
Apply: Share knowledge within your community through relevant conversation(s) demonstrating an understanding of concepts
Assess: Completion of a comprehensive assessment developed using educational testing industry guidelines