This badge was issued to Patrick Buckingham on 27 Jan 2023.
Expires on 31 Jan 2025- Type Experience
- Level Intermediate
- Cost Paid
SFIA Accredited Practitioner
Issued by
SFIA Foundation
A SFIA Accredited Practitioner has demonstrated that they have been working at SFIA Level 4 or higher and have hands-on operational use of skills and competency development using SFIA. They may work under the guidance of a SFIA Accredited Consultant or alone where SFIA operational mechanisms are in place or of narrow scope.
- Type Experience
- Level Intermediate
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
The candidate makes an application to the SFIA Foundation. This must demonstrate: knowledge of the SFIA Framework, practical experience of using SFIA, evidence of a hands-on role using SFIA, the ability to identify SFIA skills needed for a role, knowledge of how SFIA could be used in different management situations such as recruitment, deployment, assessment, and development.
The SFIA Foundation assesses the applicants application against the defined criteria for the SFIA Accredited Practitioner role.
The applicant must provide evidence of their skills and hands-on use of SFIA for skills and competency activities.