- Type Certification
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Paid
Certified Aromatherapy Safety Professional (CASP)™
Issued by
American College of Healthcare Sciences
Earners gain knowledge of essential oil safety and administration with a focus on topical uses. Earners learn how essential oils can cause allergic reactions, the importance of proper storage of essential oils and carrier oils, first aid guidelines for aromatherapy, how to support adverse reactions, and toxicology in aromatherapy. View and earn ACHS wellness credentials at https://achs.edu/academics/departments/microcredentials/. In 2024, ACHS transitioned from Credly to a new credential issuer.
- Type Certification
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Understand how essential oil quality, value, and safety are related. Recall key essential oil safety and quality topics and describe the five primary guidelines for practicing aromatherapy with caution.
Recall aromatherapy safety precautions with a focus on topical applications. Understand how essential oils can cause allergic reactions, the importance of proper storage of essential oils and carrier oils, and first aid guidelines for aromatherapy adverse reactions.
Understand the basics of aromatherapy toxicology, including types of essential oil constituents, therapeutic actions, essential oil metabolism and elimination, and safety during pregnancy.
Discuss safety topics related to essential oil administration including how to safely select a method of use and guidelines for topical, inhalation, and internal methods of use. Identify the potential therapeutic role of essential oils in skincare.