- Type Experience
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
Individual Development Skills
Issued by
Badge Nation
Earners of this badge have participated in skills development activities ranging from completion of individual online tasks and assessments to collaborative projects designed to build core Individual Development skills. These include communication, organisation, resilience, problem solving, and innovation, as well as a range of wider soft skills which participants can choose from dependent on their bespoke pathway.
- Type Experience
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
- Communications
- Innovation
- Online Learning
- Organisation
- Participate
- Personal Development
- Problem Solving
- Project
- Resilience
- Wider Skills
Earning Criteria
Earner has successfully completed activities such as knowledge checks and online assessments around the use of key soft skills in their academic, personal and professional lives.
Earner has successfully achieved 90% or above attendance in face to face tutorial sessions.
Earner has successfully used their core soft skills to contribute to the effectiveness of their group's project.
Earner has interacted with a minimum of five online skills development resources.
Earner has completed an individual reflection by the end of the modules, evaluating how they will apply the soft skills beyond the online course.
This badge has been mapped to the Participation Layer of the Cities of Learning Badging Standard. The earner has met expectations, can interact with learning and is able to join in with others.