- Type Validation
- Level Advanced
CA Cost Optimization Factory - Partner Sales
Issued by
The badge earner has demonstrated advanced CA Cost Optimization Factory (COF) sales knowledge by successfully completing the COF sales enablement course and passing the associated Knowledge Assessment. The individual understands the client challenges and can articulate the COF offering positioning, business value and differentiated competitive value.
- Type Validation
- Level Advanced
Earning Criteria
The badge earner has achieved advanced sales knowledge by successfully completing the CA Cost Optimization Factory (COF) Partner Sales Enablement course and passing the required Knowledge Assessment.
The earner must be a CA Mainframe Business Partner employee.
The badge earner can explain the differentiated value delivered by CA COF and has the ability to drive conversations that will uncover key business objectives and initiatives using the COF solution.
The badge earner has a deep understanding of the tools used to perform automated Cost Optimization Factory Assessments.