Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
Issued by
Concordia University
Uses assessment & evaluation strategies to develop nursing program standards and policies; finds, creates, and uses assessment instruments to evaluate learning outcomes; uses assessment & evaluation data and provides feedback to enhance the teaching-learning process
Additional DetailsSkills
Earning Criteria
Passes the Competency #3 - Use Assessment & Evlauation Strategies Exam with an 80% or better.
Using a current syllabus, learner creates one set of evaluation criteria using a points system and one set of evaluation criteria using a percentage system.
Using a unit that the learner teaches now or in the past, and the Test Map template, the learner creates a test map by filling in the tables. In addition, learner creates at least 3 test items of choice.
Creates a grading rubric for a written assignment of learner's choice. Includes descriptors & performance levels and identifies rubric as analytic or holistic.
Provides a paragraph describing psychomotor assessment and provides one example.
Writes about an example that the learner or a colleague has experienced when providing constructive feedback to a student. Includes all six steps from this module, even if they did not actually happen during the situation.
Provides an example of how learner would know when to revise their teaching or assessment process from each of the following: Test item analysis, written assignments, and clinical practicum evaluation tools.