Systems and Strategies for Online Learning
Issued by
Concordia University
Employs a learning system, including a design strategy, Learning Management System, and technical support strategy that meets the needs of students, instructors, and other stakeholders.
Additional DetailsEarning Criteria
Develops a Learning System Design document that includes: The LMS chosen to house the course (1 page); Strengths and affordances of the LMS; Weaknesses and limitations of the LMS;
A description of the design model chosen to develop the course (1 page): Includes description of the model and why it was chosen (1 paragraph) Compares and contrasts the chosen model with one other model (1-2 paragraphs)
A written technical support strategy that includes a description of (1 page): Where students (and other faculty) can go for help and how they will know; Resources (hardware, applications, staff, etc.) needed to be gathered for the support system to work.