Control Force I (16 Weeks)
Issued by
Cowley College
This course is designed to allow students to earn a one-year renewable user certification in the Controlled F.O.R.C.E curriculum. This course is designed to educate the student in a specialized form of self-defense and combat known as Controlled F.O.R.C.E. which utilizes five basic building block holds known as Mechanical Advantage Control Holds, or M.A.C.H.™ holds. This credential will be offered through CRJ5432 Controlled FORCE.
Earning Criteria
Complete 16-Week Course
Completion of all written exams with a 70% or higher score
Demonstrate M.A.C.H holds one through five meeting instructor approval
Complete a mock scenario utilizing Controlled F.O.R.C.E. MACH holds
Properly demonstrate MACH holds in an escort capacity
Properly explain where Controlled F.O.R.C.E fits into the use of force continuum