Construction Manager (MANA) Job Stage 5
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The Construction Manager Job Stage 5 (CM II) MANA Networks Assessed badge is awarded in recognition of the candidate having successfully demonstrated the requirements to fulfill the Construction Manager Level Job Stage 5 position in Ericsson North America and Canada. All badges are subject to change or revocation at the discretion of the Global Individual Assessment Program (GIAP). If no expiration date appears below, this badge does not expire.
Earning Criteria
The Construction Manager Job Stage 5 Networks badge is proven evidence that the candidate is knowledgeable & experienced for the Construction Manager Job Stage 5 (CM Level II) profession in North America & Canada. To earn this badge, the candidate was required to demonstrate, through a series of assessment criteria, required years of experience in the Construction Management profession, the acquisition of related CM certifications and finally an interview in front of an Ericsson Assessor Board.