- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Months
- Cost Paid
Law Enforcement - Learner (Revised Fall 2021)
Issued by
Fulton Montgomery Community College
The Criminal Justice Faculty, In Collaboration with the Criminal Justice Program Advisory Board, have worked to define this digital certificate to recognize an individual’s competency in Law Enforcement: Administrative, case, civil and criminal law, with a focus upon the rights of individuals; Legal and ethical issues within Law Enforcement; Crime rates and the causes of crime; elements of the offenses, interviewing, interrogation and evidence collection; and, Challenges in applied fieldwork
- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Months
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Criteria for Badge Completion: A Badge of Excellence is awarded a minimum of "C" earned average in each required course - CRJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 Credits); CRJ 103 Criminal Law (3 Credits); POL 204 Constitutional Law (3 Credits); and, CRJ 105 Principles of Criminal Investigation (3 Credits) --OR-- CRJ 124 Criminalistics (3 Credits)