Disaster Management and Resilience Building
Issued by
Griffith University
Earners understand disaster management and risk assessment. They can create socially focused, sustainable strategies to anticipate and respond to natural disasters that build community resilience and minimise risk. Earners can identify and mitigate existing social, economic, environmental and political vulnerabilities to ensure situations don’t escalate. Earners work effectively in emergency management, disaster operation planning, project development and community resilience-building.
Additional DetailsSkills
Earning Criteria
Earners have enhanced knowledge and understanding of different types of disaster phenomenon and their impacts.
Earners demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of disaster risks and all its dimensions.
Earners can enhance knowledge and understanding of public health consequences in the aftermath of disaster events.
Earners demonstrate understanding of disaster management cycle and the interconnectedness between stages.
Earners have an enhanced understanding about the social dimension of disaster management and community participation approach in managing the risks of disasters.
Earner is familiar with the progress of global agenda on disaster risk reduction and its application at local levels.
Earner has developed the skills needed to design projects related to disaster management and resilience building.
Earners demonstrate the ability to identify and evaluate the underlying risks factor of disasters.
Earners have successfully completed an Emergency Response Plan - Written Assignment .
Earners have successfully delivered a presentation on the Disaster risk profile of a community.
Earners have successfully completed a Community resilience project planning - Planning Document.