Engineering Professional Practice
Issued by
Griffith University
Earners of this badge are in their final year of an engineering degree, and have successfully demonstrated their engagement with professional engineering practice during their engineering studies as required by Griffith University and Engineers Australia.
Earning Criteria
Earners have provided documentation demonstrating how they have successfully met each of the sixteen (16) competencies listed in the Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competencies.
Earners have supplied evidence that they have conducted and reflected on an informational interview conducted with an approved industry professional.
Earners have demonstrated they are in the final year of their engineering degree program by completing a set minimum number of credit points (CP) from their required courses.
Undergraduate earners must have completed at least 240CP from a 4-year engineering program, or at least 320CP from a 5-year engineering double degree.
Postgraduate earners in the Master of Professional Engineering must have completed at least 80CP.
Earners have collected evidence with an online system and submitted for final approval. Students and academic staff are able to track the student’s progress towards the overall total points required and to ensure the required levels of engagement are met.