Microsoft SharePoint Online Site Owner
Issued by
Griffith University
Earners demonstrate a basic understanding of SharePoint online including site collections and their components. Earners can work collaboratively with documents, lists and libraries stored in a cloud environment. They can create and work with modern pages and web parts. Earners can create teams site collections, hub sites and manage security for the site collections and its contents.
Additional DetailsSkills
- Cloud-based Document Collaboration
- Integrating Sharepoint Online with teams
- Sharepoint Online Automate workflow
- Sharepoint Online channels for content promotion
- Sharepoint Online managing documentation
- Sharepoint Online modern pages and web parts
- Sharepoint Online site creation
- Sharepoint Online site security
Earning Criteria
Earners have attended a 2-day (16 hour) interactive Microsoft SharePoint site owner training course delivered by Nexacu
Earners have completed all required tasks within the workshop noted on a training log (completed by Nexacu trainer)
Earners have completed an online multiple-choice questionnaire (10 questions) covering content from the workshop
Earners have written a short reflection summarising key learning from the workshop (150 max)
Earners have completed the additional 1-hour training session offered by Digital Solutions on SharePoint Site permissions and how it relates to the use of Teams and Groups at Griffith University