Systematic Tailored Assessment for Responding to Suicidality (STARS)
Issued by
Griffith University
The Systematic Tailored Assessment for Responding to Suicidality (STARS) protocol is a person-centred, psycho-social needs based semi-structured interview. It provides initial insight into the complexities of a person’s suicidal distress and informs immediate and appropriate client care. On completion of the 2-3 day training program, participants are a licensed STARS protocol user, which represents achievement of minimum standard competency in administering the STARS protocol.
Additional DetailsSkills
Earning Criteria
Earners of the badge are mental health practitioners who have completed 2-3 day STARS protocol training program.
Earners have achieved the minimum standard competency in conducting evidence informed suicide risk assessment processes; administering the STARS protocol.
Earners have participated in reflective learning (i.e. required literature of evidence based approaches, and downloadable journal) that must be completed to inform participation in skills-based role plays during face to face medium.