Data Literacy Basics
Issued by
Harper College
The Data Literacy Basics Badge reinforces knowledge in how to interpret institutional dashboards and reports. Focus is applied in the components of data literacy and the most common institutional data resources used at Harper for operational and strategic planning.
Additional DetailsEarning Criteria
• Articulate (or identify) why data literacy is important and differentiate between being data-driven vs. data-informed.
• Distinguish between different types of data (quantitative, qualitative) and know which kind of data to use for different problems/questions.
• Recognize why institutions collect data as well as what type of data are typically collected.
• Differentiate between ethical and unethical use of data.
• Recognize the best practices behind collecting and using data and why it is important for data to be transformed into actionable information to guide decisions.
• Demonstrate an ability to work with data both individually and collaboratively.