Equinix Leadership Essentials Program
This badge represents the completion of a customized learning experience designed to develop essential skills of Mid-Level Leaders at Equinix. The program was contextualized through content selection, peer learning groups, and facilitation. Participants accessed curated content, engaged with HBP moderators in live sessions, and applied learnings to their work.
- Collaboration and Constructive Conflict
- Execution and Effective Decisions
- Leading Inclusive, High-Performing Teams
- Personal Agility
Earning Criteria
Attendance (Weighting: 75%): Attend and actively participate in 75% of live sessions. May make up live attendance to a maximum of 1 session by viewing recording before next live event.
Portal Assignments (Weighting: 25%): Complete a minimum of 70% of portal activities. Engage in online conversations (post or reply) in discussion board posts.