- Time Hours
- Cost Free
ADFz/IDz/RDz Foundations
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The badge earner understands and can articulate foundational knowledge of IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z Systems (ADFz). Through completion of workshops and associated labs, the individual has gained knowledge of the following: Mastering elementary Eclipse terms & concepts; Navigating seamlessly through the product; Customizing preferences, views & perspectives; Analyzing, editing & debugging programs; Coding & testing DB2/SQL statements; and Managing Jobs & remote files & data sets.
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Successful completion of the ADFz Distance Learning Curriculum, consisting of 9 modules, including the following:
- Content/Concepts & Facilities: Presentation + Slideware
- Hands-on Labs and Workshops
Application of all ADFz/IDz/RDz skills and techniques to production application development work