Mental Health Ally
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A Mental Health Ally is an IBMer who understands the importance of promoting mental health in the workplace and who wants to positively contribute to the well-being of their colleagues. They have awareness of their own mental health, and if a colleague reaches out to them to learn more they are trained to respond with empathy and refer to resources. They understand the limits of being an ambassador and do not aim to substitute counseling from a qualified mental health professional.
- Time Weeks
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Must be an employee of IBM.
Demonstrate skills obtained by providing examples of completing 3 out of 5 of the below mental health related activities. Remember to not include any information that could identify an individual’s personal information (PI) and sensitive personal information (SPI).
i) Participate in the planning and/or execution of a local mental health activity/event within IBM (e.g. a lunch-and-learn, World Mental Health Day activity, chair yoga session, etc.). Activities and events should be led by a qualified instructor/facilitator.
ii) Be an advocate for mental health, by being a speaker or panel participant at an internal or external well-being and/or mental health event to explain and promote the Mental Health Ally role/program at IBM, or by writing a slack or social media post about it.
iii) Describe how you have practically applied at least 1 of the following skills: Active Listening, Collaboration, Inclusion, Self Care.
v) Describe a situation where you came across a colleague facing stress or distress and how you supported them. Explain how you would do this differently after taking this course.