Preparing to Teach Online (v.01)
Issued by
Madison College
Preparing To Teach Online (PTTO) provides an introduction to the design and pedagogy of online teaching and learning. Badge earners have gained experience in e-learning environments and online facilitation best practices, received instructional design advice while designing a specific course and constructing specific online teaching materials, created online syllabus policies, and created an ongoing learning plan to improve online pedagogy, management, and technical skills.
Additional DetailsSkills
Earning Criteria
Identify best practices and strategies in online learning
Describe accessibility in the online classroom
Analyze copyright laws in the online classroom
Articulate effective communication and interaction in the online classroom
Demonstrate a plan for effective instructor presence to facilitate student learning and community
Analyze tools for the online classrooms
Use a variety of online, technology, and LMS tools to aid with meeting course outcomes, presenting materials, course design and assessment of concepts.
Develop course policies that are manageable and fair
Identify strategies for managing the workload of an online class
Create an online module/unit based on best practices including learning activities, organization and structure
Evaluate your online course