MSUM Student-Centered Cohort Year 1
Issued by
Minnesota State University Moorhead
SCC participants engage in a year-long community of peer conversations, resource sharing, and supported opportunities to practice new instructional strategies. Year 1 participants work on improving their course design, student engagement opportunities, and how they provide effective feedback to students, all while aligning to MSUM's DEI themes of inclusive design, asset-based lens, and diversifying curriculum.
- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Time Months
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Faculty participants completed a year-long cohort experience which included completion of course work & assignments, goal setting & implementation, and reflection on how that goal implementation affected the student experience in the participants' course(s). Topics examined included: course design, accessibility, UDL, authentic learning, course communications, & feedback practices. These topics were aligned with MSUM's DEI themes of inclusive design, asset-based lens, & diversified curriculum.