MVCC Code Academy
Issued by
Mohawk Valley Community College
The MVCC Code Academy is presented in the evening in a structured classroom environment, complete with the support, guidance, and personal instruction the College is known to provide for all students. The program is a designated sequence of four three-credit programming courses designed to help students quickly develop relevant skills to prepare them for entry-level employment. The curriculum and courses, which were developed with the guidance of local employers in the industry.
Earning Criteria
CI110 Principles of ProgrammingCredits: 3.0 This course introduces computer programming methods and techniques of problem-solving using structured programming. Students analyze problems and organize effective solutions. Techniques of problem-solving include defining the problem, specifying required input and output, developing the algorithm, and testing the solution. Students also translate the algorithms to a high-level programming language.
CI130 Programming in C++Credits: 3.0 This course provides a comprehensive study of C++ with an emphasis on sound structured programming principles, good style, and top-down method of program design. It covers the designing, coding, executing, and debugging of C++ programs to solve problems in a variety of fields.
CI245 JAVA ProgrammingCredits: 3.0 This course introduces the concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) and the general purpose JAVA programming language. Topics include data abstraction, data encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, class structures, software design with design patterns, application programming, data types, selection and loop structures, graphical user interface programming, exception handling, data streams, and cryptographic techniques.
CI256 Introduction to Programming for the InternetCredits: 3.0 This course introduces the tools needed to create and manage a web site. Topics include history of the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW), how to access the WWW, goals needed to create a successful web site, page layout programs, and an introduction to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). It discusses Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts and legal issues of copyright on the web.