Sit Astride All Terrain Vehicles (ATV) - Training
Issued by
mwmac Ltd
This course is for anyone required to use a sit-astride ATV as part of their work or for personal use. This would include novices and experienced operators who require their skills up-dating.
- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Time Days
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
To provide an understanding of the hazards associated with operating a quad bike on various terrain and the measures which must be put in place to reduce the risks.
To provide a knowledge of the personal protective equipment which must be worn when operating a quad bike.
To identify quad bike controls and their functions.
To demonstrate an ability to carry out the necessary daily maintenance checks required on a quad bike.
To provide an understanding of quad bike loading requirements and load limits.
To demonstrate an ability to safely and effectively operate a quad bike on various terrain both as a standalone unit and also with various items of equipment attached.
To appreciate the need to carry out a post-use check