NCSL Legislative Staff Institutional Essentials
Legislative Staff Institutional Essentials (LSIE) is a NCSL program for legislative staff. Earners of the LSIE badge participate in five modules that provide a broad view of legislatures and legislative process using subject matter experts and peer-to-peer learning. Having studied the legislative institution, state budgeting, ethics, effective communication, and habits of highly effective staff, program participants have a greater awareness and context for both their role and the institution.
- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Time Months
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Participated in five 2-hour interactive seminars, designed for skill building and understanding of legislative procedures and processes that can be taken from the classroom into the legislative environment.
Discussed the legislative environment and the similarities and differences across the country.
Completed 30 minutes homework in advance of each module to encourage participants to think about the topic being presented.
Submitted a comprehensive program evaluation at the end of the course.