Business Fundamentals
Issued by
Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC)
Participants will understand basic business concepts to increase their professional knowledge about ethical business practices. Students must successfully complete course BUS 1013 and ECON 2023 with a grade of C or higher; and BUS 2043 with a grade of D or higher.
Earning Criteria
BUS 1013 Intro to Business - The student will become familiar with the economic and social setting of business in the world and the structure of business and management of human and fiscal resources. The student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of these concepts as they are related to American business operations and public policy.
BUS 2043 Business Ethics - Students will explore standards of honesty and honorable human conduct in the world of business, focusing on how people’s plans and intentions affect others.
ECON 2023 Statistics for Business and Economics. Student will learn basic statistics course for undergraduate business majors. Introductory statistical methods are presented employing statistical computer software and applications to typical business and economic problems. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability concepts, probability distribution, estimation, hypothesis testing, and introduction to econometric/regression analysis, and correlation.