Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Fundamentals
The Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Fundamentals micro-credential offers nine online courses on electric vehicle manufacturing and battery assembly, covering EV fundamentals and career pathways. Each course includes an exit test, with a micro-credential awarded for completing all courses. The program is free for Oklahoma students and non-manufacturing workers, while manufacturing employees incur a cost. See full disclaimer on registration page.
- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Free
- Applications of High Energy Batteries
- Components for Batter Pack Assembly
- Components for Batter Pack Design
- Components of a Batter Management System
- Components of High Energy Batteries
- Considerations for Battery Pack Assembly
- Considerations for Battery Pack Design
- Electric Vehicle Manufacturing
- EV Battery Technology
- Functional Components of Electric Vehicles
- Functions of a Battery Management System
- Lithium-Ion Battery Cell Contamination
- Lithium-Ion Battery Emergency Response Measures
- Lithium-Ion Battery Hazards
- Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Precautions
- Recycling Policies
- Recycling Processes for Rechargeable Batteries