Science of Reading Instruction
Completers will work directly with a student 1-on-1 to gain experience in reading remediation. The micro-credential covers systematic instruction in phonological awareness, decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, and evidence-based strategies to improve reading for students with reading difficulties. Completers will assess and remediate reading deficiencies, use data to determine a plan of action to measure student progress, and provide support to students to address a given need.
- Type Learning
- Level Intermediate
- Time Weeks
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Achieve a grade of C or higher in EDUC 4553 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties. Activities in the course include: Research Article Review, Reading Discussion Board Posts, Tutoring Session Framework, Reflections, Reading Lesson Plans, Reading Case Summaries, and Student Tutoring Notebook.
This micro-credential aligns to the following ILA standards: Foundational Knowledge; Curriculum and Instruction; Assessment and Evaluation; Diversity and Equity; Learners and the Literacy Environment; and Practicum/Clinical Experiences.