Paralegal Leadership: Compliance Expert
Issued by
USAF Paralegal
The earner of this badge conducted a compliance evaluation of all legal domains within a work center, utilized regulatory and statutory references, used approved grading methodology to identify compliant/deficient items are areas of recommended improvement, and drafted a summary of findings. The Earner demonstrated competency in critical thinking, analysis, substantiation collection and review, process improvement, and demonstrated proficiency in legal written communication.
Earning Criteria
Conduct a compliance evaluation of all legal domains within a work center
Apply approved grading methodology to identify compliant/deficient items and Areas of Recommended Improvement
Draft a written summary of findings, to include lessons learned
Secure Senior Supervisory Attorney (SJA) and Law Office Superintendent endorsement
The Earner's Numbered Air Force or MAJCOM Functional Manager will review the Rubric and recommend the Earner for award of the badge
Standards Conduct self-assessments every six (6) months. (T-2) Satisfy all pre-inspection requirements consistent with this instruction and AFI 90-201. (T-2)