- Type Certification
- Level Advanced
- Cost Paid
ISPU Certificate in American Muslim Life
Issued by
The Institute for the Social Policy and Understanding, in partnership with ReligionAndPublicLife.org, awards the ISPU Certificate in Religious Liberty for those who complete the course collection, ISPU 2500 American Muslims: Law & Society. The curriculum includes a study of Muslims in Early America, contemporary demographics about American Muslims, controversies about the treatment of Muslims, and pathways for building resilient Muslim communities in America.
- Type Certification
- Level Advanced
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
"Our approach to religion is academic, not devotional; we strive for student awareness of religions, but do not press for student acceptance of any religion; we sponsor the study about religion, not the practice of religion; we expose students to a diversity of religious views, but may not impose any particular view..."
The faculty at ReligionAndPublicLIfe.org draw upon two guidelines for the academic study of religion: (1) “Religious Literacy Guidelines for College Students.” American Academy of Religion, 2019. (2) “Teaching About Religion: AAR Guidelines for K-12 Public Schools.” American Academy of Religion, April 2010.
College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards, “Religious Studies Companion Document for the C3 Framework.” Silver Spring, MD: National Council for the Social Studies, 2013.