Certificate IV in Wool Classing AHC41316
Issued by
Rural Industries Skill Training
The earner of this badge has successfully gained the Nationally Accredited Certificate IV in Wool Classing AHC41316. Graduates can apply to AWEX (Australian Wool Exchange) to become a registered professional Wool Classer. Rural Industries Skill Training (RIST) RTO: TOID 4198
- Type Certification
- Level Intermediate
- Time Years
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
Work health and safety in relation to the wool preparation workplace.
Supervise the day to day duties of a shearing team, monitor task progression and provide first point of call guidance to team members.
Carry out requirements of Code of Practice for the Preparation of Australian Wool Clips as it relates to the preparation of wool and other relevant quality standards.
Implement relevant legislative requirements associated with the shearing industry including employment agreements and awards.
Have market knowledge and know how to prepare the clip for market requirements.
Be able to prepare clips of a variety of wool types. Implement and monitor the quality assurance processes for a clip.
Qualification details for AHC41316 Certificate IV in Wool Classing, listing all Units of Competency available under this qualification.