Digital Maturity Disruptor - Visionary Certificate
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The earner of this badge is being recognized for their knowledge and skills demonstrated to enable digital processes and capabilities. The earner demonstrated their ability to 'Disrupt' areas that would benefit from digital solutions/workflows, and successfully implemented digital capabilities that address respective business needs, deliver value/quick wins to the organization, and comply with our internal framework by adhering to SLB’s best practices in digital execution.
Earning Criteria
Design, develop and implement digital solutions/workflows for respective team(s), function(s), business line(s), GeoUnit(s), or organization. As part of the annual assessment, the maturity of SLB's digital enablers processes and capabilities are measured against six principal dimensions that based on a final score, will be mapped under the correspondent Maturity Level. The earner must achieve the maturity score as required for the Digital Disruptor maturity level.