- Type Experience
- Level Foundational
- Time Weeks
Developing a Team
Issued by
Snow College
Being part of a dynamic successful team starts with understanding how to create a positive culture. This includes understanding group development stages, building relationships and providing quality team building opportunities. Earners will understand and be able to identify the different stages of team development: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Transforming. They have led a team building activity to show competence and understanding of team building principles.
- Type Experience
- Level Foundational
- Time Weeks
Earning Criteria
Teach a group or team you are currently working with about the stages of development and identify when your group or team has been in each stage and what stage they are currently in. Discuss how relationships have changed and played a role through these stages.
Lead a team building activity cultivating relationship building and teamwork with a group or team you are currently working with. Write a summary on what activity you lead and how it was received.