- Type Experience
- Level Foundational
- Time Years
Issued by
St. John's University
Corrections involves the supervision of persons arrested for, convicted of, or sentenced for criminal offenses. Overall, corrections can be viewed within the context of two major categories: institutional corrections and community corrections. In obtaining this badge, students will learn how correctional institutions operate and how community corrections offenders are supervised within their environments. Emphasis may be placed on specific offender populations, based on the student's interest.
- Type Experience
- Level Foundational
- Time Years
Earning Criteria
CRJ 2004 American Corrections Systems - Complete with a grade of C or better
CRJ 3105 Juveniles in the Criminal Justice System - Complete with a grade of C or better
CRJ 3003 Women in the Criminal Justice System - Complete with a grade of C or better
Pick one from the following and complete with a grade of C or better: CRJ 3002 Minority Groups in the Criminal Justice System CRJ 3105 Juvenile in the Criminal Justice System CRJ 3003 Women in the Criminal Justice System