- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Paid
Fundamentals Course
Issued by
This course presents the structures and rationale behind Outcome-Driven Innovation. In this course, you will learn about the barriers that stand in the way to success at innovation and how the ODI process overcomes those obstacles, the structure of a job, job step, and outcome statement, the basic structure of the questionnaire, the fundamentals of the outcome-based segmentation process and the types of opportunities it reveals, and the process used to get on the most efficient path to growth.
- Type Validation
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Cost Paid
Earning Criteria
In order to take this course, you must be an ODIpro member.
Complete the 8 modules by scoring 80% or higher in the Check Your Understanding quizzes.
Complete the Thinkbooks and Workbooks, designed to assess your current innovation practices, how they compare to Outcome-Driven innovation, and your understanding of the course material by working through examples.