Executive Diploma in Hospitality Operations
Issued by
The International School of Hospitality
The Executive Diploma in Hospitality Operations program is designed to enhance the professional skills for badge owners have gained so far from their experience in the industry, focusing on the development of high-level managerial skills.
Earning Criteria
COMPETENCIES: The Executive Diploma in Hospitality Operations program is awarded to badge owners who demonstrated general competency in hospitality management. The curriculum is designed to enhance professional competency for badge owners with experience in the industry, with emphasis on human capital management and date-driven decision making. Badge owners will learn competencies in hospitality leadership and human resources management.
COURSEWORK: Consists of (5) required courses: Hospitality Human Resources, Hospitality Leadership and Management, Hospitality Marketing and Sales, Revenue Management and Analytics, and Hospitality Colloquia.
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: Badge owners must have two years of hospitality industry supervisory experience and/or an Associate’s Degree or above. Students must hold a High School Diploma or equivalent.
ABOUT TISOH: The International School of Hospitality, accredited by ACCET, licensed by the NV Commission on Postsecondary Education, and SEVIS approved, is dedicated to training individuals for careers in hospitality-related industries. The school’s condensed, career-specific courses are suitable for new entrants to the industry as well as for established veterans to hone their skills.