- Type Experience
- Time Days
- Cost Free
Girls* on Rock Wilderness Field Science Skills
Issued by
University of Colorado Boulder
Girls* on Rock is a 12-day rock climbing and backcountry wilderness expedition for high school girls*. Learners engage in scientific inquiry about the Rocky Mountains. In small groups, the girls design and conduct scientific projects. They deliver their findings to the public. Learners demonstrate expedition skills such as teamwork, communication, kindness, respect and backcountry skills such as setting up camp, navigation, risk and weather awareness.
- Type Experience
- Time Days
- Cost Free
- Collaboration And Teamwork
- Conflict Resolution
- Creativity
- Critical Thinking
- Experimentation
- Independence
- Interpret Data
- Leadership
- Organization
- Persistence
- Personal Responsibility
- Presentations
- Problem Solving
- Research
- Research Design
- Research Methodologies
- Research Report Writing
- Scientific Demonstrations
- Scientific Reasoning
- Teamwork
Earning Criteria
Demonstrate successful leadership and personal growth throughout the expedition. This includes fulfilling various leadership roles in camp, and demonstrate knowledge of when to step up and when to step back, evaluating self-status and needs, communicating and advocating for personal needs; explaining and reflecting on different communication styles and modes, and describing and applying strategies for effectively resolving conflicts.
Work in a small group to design and implement an experiment in a wilderness environment and present findings. This includes asking questions based on observations; formulating a testable hypothesis; designing and implementing data collection process to test hypothesis; recording systematic observations of natural phenomena in a science field notebook; analyzing and synthesizing data; and presenting about the research findings including introduction, methods, results, conclusion and discussion.
Present research findings. Include: 1) Introduction - explains research, its purpose and why the research is important/needed. 2) Methods - explain how research was done, including where data was obtained and the steps to collect data. 3) Results - display results in meaningful graphics, table or illustrations. 4) Discussion/Conclusion - puts results into a comprehensible context. The discussion addresses: Do the results answer the questions that were asked in the introduction?
Explore a variety of art forms and storytelling methods and discuss and reflect on different ways of knowing