- Time Days
- Cost Free
Research Data Bootcamp
Issued by
University of Colorado Boulder
The Graduate Student Research Data Bootcamp provides graduate students an introduction to data and programming-related research tools that will increase their access to cutting-edge methods. Topics include reproducible research (especially using containerization tools such as Docker); collaboration and version control (using Git and Github); data analysis and visualization fundamentals in Python and R; and an overview of publishing platforms, impact, and scholarly communication.
- Time Days
- Cost Free
Earning Criteria
Learners must register for the Graduate Student Research Data Bootcamp, and attend the entire (3-Day workshop), and complete a series of data and code related assessments and projects demonstrating their facility with basic computational tools and techniques.
Demonstrate familiarity with the research data lifecycle using a series of skills and project-based assessments. Learners must complete instructor-assigned projects, and push these projects to a dedicated Github repository. Participants will create a GitHub repository (and associated web page) dedicated to the workshop, and will push relevant assessments (primarily consisting of code written in Jupyter Notebooks and R Markdown) to their repository.