- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
NH Roads Scholar II
Issued by
University of New Hampshire
NH Roads Scholar candidates contribute their knowledge and expertise of technologies and techniques in road management to road agencies across NH. The earner of this badge has successfully completed the NH Roads Scholar Level II program and has earned 50 contact hours.
- Type Learning
- Level Foundational
- Time Hours
- Asset Management
- Construction Safety
- Drainage And Culvert Installation
- Environmental Considerations In Highway Maintenance
- Gravel Roads Management
- Heavy Equipment Operation And Safety
- Highway Construction
- Highway Maintenance
- Low Volume Roads
- Pavement Preservation And Management
- Public Works Management And Operations
- Snow And Ice Removal
- Transportation Technologies
- Winter Operations
Earning Criteria
NH Roads Scholar Level II candidates have completed the following contact hours by category: 5 hours of Environmental; 10 hours of Safety; 4 hours of Supervisory; 20 hours of Technical and 10 additional or elective hours (50 total contact hours).
Individuals achieving Roads Scholar II must have completed the prior Roads Scholar I achievement level.
Each level has a defined number of contact hours. A contact hour is an hour of actual instruction. Therefore, a typical one day workshop includes 5 hours of instruction, and a specific subject area to ensure that training covers a range of subjects essential to local road management.